

蓬皮杜中心 蓬皮杜中心 2022-04-21


 “万物的声音”-- 蓬皮杜中心典藏展(二) 

 2021年7月28日 - 2023年2月5日 

 西岸美术馆 I 展厅1&2 


费尔南·莱热 ,《手和帽子的构成》, 1927年, 布面油画, 248 x 185.5 厘米Fernand Léger, [Handmade composition and hats] 1927, Oil on canvas, 248 x 185.5 cm, Centre Pompidou Collection, Paris ©Adagp, Paris, Photo©Centre Pompidou / G. Meguerditchian, MNAM-CCI / Dist. RMN-GP

  The Centre Pompidou × West Bund Museum Project presents 

 The Voice of Things  

 July 28th, 2021 – February 5th, 2023 

 Gallery 1&2 

After The Shape of Time, the inaugural exhibition of the collection, the Centre Pompidou × West Bund Museum Project is revealing the second chapter of its semi-permanent exhibition, The Voice of Things, on display from the summer of 2021 until the start of 2023.  The new exhibition covers over 160 extraordinary masterpieces from Centre Pompidou collections, under 18 chapters ranging from the avant-gardes of the early 20th century testifying to the revolution in aesthetic norms and the very status of the work of art, to the most recent artist creations that question our globalised world, and illustrates the importance of the object in the history of modernity. 

赫伯特·拜尔,《玻璃眼球》1928年, 明胶银盐印相, 1997年购藏, 蓬皮杜中心,巴黎, 法国国家现代艺术博物馆-工业设计中心Herbert Bayer, [Glass Eyes], 1928, Gelatin silver print, Purchase, 1997 ©Centre Pompidou,Paris, Musée national d'art moderne-Centre de création industrielle, AM 1997-26

从立体主义先驱、达达主义与超现实主义的先锋人物到当代观念艺术前卫代表:乔治·布拉克巴勃罗·毕加索费尔南·莱热马塞尔·杜尚曼·雷让·丁格利塔蒂亚娜·特罗维梁慧圭等的重要作品按照时间顺序铺陈于西岸美术馆1 & 2号展厅

曼·雷,《坚不可摧之物》,1923 / 1959年, 节拍器和照片拼贴, 1975年由国家购藏,1976年移交法国国家现代艺术博物馆, 蓬皮杜中心,巴黎, 法国国家现代艺术博物馆-工业设计中心,AM 1976-1006; Man Ray, [Indestructible object] 1923-1959, Metronome and photography collage, 22 x 12 x 11 cm, State purchase, 1975 / Attribution, 1976, Centre Pompidou Collection, Paris ©Man Ray Trust/Adagp, Paris, Photo ©Centre Pompidou / B. Prévost, MNAM-CCI / Dist. RMN-GP

The exhibition route unfurls through the vast spaces of Galleries 1 and 2 and features, in chronological order, major works from Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque and Fernand Léger to Marcel Duchamp and Man Ray, from Jean Tinguely to Tatiana Trouvé and Haegue Yang

巴勃罗·毕加索,《含古代头像的静物》,1925年 布面油画,97 x 130 厘米 Pablo Picasso, [Still life with an antique head], 1925, Oil on canvas, 97 x 130 cm, Gift of Paul Rosenberg, 1946, Centre Pompidou Collection, Paris ©Succession Picasso Photo©Jacques Quecq d'Henripret



马塞尔·杜尚,《帽架》,1917-1964年, 木质,46 x 46 x 29 厘米  Marcel Duchamp, Hat Rack,  1917-1964,  Wood,  46 x 46 x 29 cm Purchase, 1986,Centre Pompidou Collection, Paris ©Association Marcel Duchamp / Adagp Paris,Photo©Centre Pompidou / P. Migeat,MNAM-CCI / Dist. RMN-GP

The first rooms are dedicated to objects representing the deconstruction of space and the expression of modern beauty, even questioning the meaning of art with Marcel Duchamp's ready-made and “objects of affection” with Man Ray. Next, the Surrealist objects – susceptible to doubts as much as to dreams – offer an inexhaustible source of visual poetry alongside a return to classicism with realistic paintings by Bernard Buffet and Jürg Kreienbühl in the 1950s. 

伊夫·唐吉,《缓慢之日》,1937年 布面油画,蓬皮杜中心,巴黎 法国国家现代艺术博物馆 - 工业设计中心 Yves Tanguy, [Slow Day] 1937. Oil on canvas 92 x 73 cm State purchase, 1937 / Attribution, 1938 Centre Pompidou Collection, Paris ©Adagp, Paris Photo©Centre Pompidou / J. Hyde MNAM-CCI / Dist. RMN-GP


马塞尔·让,《加尔德尼亚的幽灵》,1936 / 1972年,  石膏,拉链,胶卷底片,鹿皮,  35 x 18 x 23厘米,2009年购藏 Marcel Jean, [Specter of the Gardenia] 1936-1972, Flocking on plaster, zipper, film wrap and suede, 35 x 18 x 23 cm, Public auction purchase, 2009, Centre Pompidou Collection, Paris ©Marcel Jean, Photo©Centre Pompidou / G. Meguerditchian, MNAM-CCI / Dist. RMN-GP

The second part of the exhibition offers an overview of how objects were considered in art after the shift that occurred with the advent of the consumer society after World War One. Pop Art artists and members of the New Realism and Fluxus movements conferred a whole new emotional dimension on the residues of a society ruled by consumption. Some artists represented a spiritual quest and exploration of the self through assemblage. Works became vectors of a narrative to invent “individual mythologies".

塞萨尔《压缩"理查德"》,1962年,压缩漆钢板,153 x 73 x 65厘米,1968年由Pierre Restany赠送 César, Compression “Ricard”1962, Compressed lacquered sheet steel, 153 x 73 x 65 cm, Gift of Pierre Restany, 1968, Centre Pompidou Collection, Paris ©SBJ / Adagp, Paris, Photo©Centre Pompidou / P. Migeat, MNAM-CCI / Dist. RMN-GP

比如,常设展三部曲的上篇“时间的形态”曾展出杜尚于1913年创造的首件“现成品”艺术《自行车轮》,而在中篇“万物的声音”中,观众将看到艺术家于1917年创作的另一件“现成品”艺术代表作《帽架》,进一步理解杜尚从日常消费品的角度对艺术价值及艺术姿态提出的质疑。展览的尾声则以当代艺术家纪尧姆·比伊尔(Guillaume Bijl)的《镜子展厅》和帕维尔·阿瑟曼(Paweł Althamer)的《彩虹》装置作品落脚于与当下密切相关的“消费主义”和“全球化”议题,邀请观者对社会现状及经济模式展开反思。

纪尧姆·比伊尔,《镜子展位》,1988年 镜子,木头,金属,不同尺寸Guillaume Bijl, Mirror Stand, 1988, Mirrors, wood, metal, Variable dimensions, Purchase, 1990, Centre Pompidou Collection, Paris ©Adagp, Paris, Photo©Centre Pompidou / B. Prévost, MNAM-CCI / Dist. RMN-GP

The exhibition ends with a presentation of recent works through which artists continue to freely question our relationship with things in a globalised world, while still referring to the history of the object in art and perpetuating, in a way, the genre of still life which has been, and often still is, a pretext for experimenting with styles or painting the hidden side of things: in short, an inexhaustible subject.

盖伊·奥伦蒂, 《巡回桌》1993年, 切边钢化玻璃台面,镀铬钢,实心橡胶轮胎, 出品:丰塔纳·阿尔特灯具设计公司,科尔西科(意大利)2009年由丰塔纳·阿尔特灯具设计公司赠予 Gae Aulenti, Tour table, 1993, Bevelled toughened-glass top, chrome-plated steel, solid rubber tyres, Editor: Fontana Arte, Corsico (Italy) Gift of Fontana Arte, 2009 ©Centre Pompidou, Paris, Musée national d’art moderne – Centre de création industrielle, AM 2009-1-118


 The title of the exhibition 

作为法国国家现代艺术博物馆-工业设计中心馆长贝尔纳·布利斯特恩(Bernard Blistène)卸任前的收官之作,“万物的声音”为观者探索“到底何为艺术”这一现当代艺术中的核心问题提供了最直接的现场。他与联合策展人帕梅拉·施蒂希特采用了法国诗人弗朗西斯·蓬热于1942年发表的诗集《采取事物的立场》的英文译名“万物的声音”作为展览标题。这位法国作家兼诗人细致而饱含诗意地描绘了寻常事物,引导观者开启对物的全新视角与体验。

The title of the exhibition is taken from the English translation of Le Parti Pris des choses [The Voice of Things], the iconic collection of prose poems by French poet and resistance fighter Francis Ponge (1899-1988), published in 1942 during the Second World War. In it, he describes the beauty of banality and opens up a new way of looking at things and bringing them to life.

"万物的声音”——  蓬皮杜中心典藏展(二) 


2021年年7月28日 - 2023年2月5日

西岸美术馆 I 展厅 1&2 

The Voice of Things  

Curators: Bernard Blistène and Pamela Sticht

July 28th, 2021 – February 5th, 2023 | Gallery 1&2

周二至周日 10:00 - 17:00 (16:00停止入场)


10:00 – 17:00, Tuesday to Sunday  (last admission at 16:00)

Closed on Mondays


早鸟票:70元  (即日起至7月27日 24:00)

Price: 100 RMB

Early bird tickets: 70 RMB (until July 27th 24:00)


*Click on "read more" to buy your tickets

地址 :上海市徐汇区龙腾大道2600号

Address: 2600 Longteng Avenue, Xuhui District, Shanghai

● 上海当前展览 | “抽象艺术先驱:康定斯基”

● 巴黎当前展览 | “她们创作抽象艺术”


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